Paper on Distributed frequency control with coordinated edge intelligence is accepted by Electric Power Systems Research.

Our paper “Distributed Frequency Emergency Control with Coordinated Edge Intelligence” is accepted by Electric Power Systems Research.

Developing effective strategies to arrest grid frequency drop in case of severe contingencies is an important requirement. While distributed responsive loads for primary frequency control have been studied in the literature, the coordination of the distributed loads relies on high-speed communication or centralized frequency threshold setting. They might be cost-prohibitive or not sufficiently fast in severe contingencies, like the fault of ultrahigh voltage direct current (UHVDC) lines. In this paper, a local power loss ΔP estimation approach for frequency emergency control is proposed, and the coordination of the distributed loads is achieved by the edge intelligence and Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies. The proposed approach can enable the distributed loads to provide fast and accurate frequency support to power grids. The parameter-setting in the control center and decision-making at the edge level for the proposed approach are described in detail.

Di Shi
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering